Explore new information and download updated materials
The Oregon Wine Board is committed to maintaining the Oregon Wine Resource Studio to be the most comprehensive and up-to-date source for Oregon wine education materials.
Below is a list of the major additions and updates made available this month.
Note: There have been minor updates made to most of the Resource Studio files since its launch in August 2016. It is recommended that you re-download all Resource Studio files you use often to ensure they represent the most current information.
We appreciate your suggestions for content or website functionality. If you have feedback, please share it with us.
April 2017 Updates
Industry Statistics Presentation:
- Updated with new 2016 Nielsen sales data
- Added wine tourism revenue information
Accolades Presentation:
- Created new media fact slides at the beginning of presentation
- Added new accolades from November 2016 – February 2017
Oregon Winegrowing Regions Map:
- Updated design to better represent all 18 AVAs
Oregon Wine One Sheet PDF with Map and Facts:
- Added a new one sheet summary of the Oregon wine industry with a state map and important Oregon wine statistics
- Perfect for sales calls and staff training
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