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The Profit Planner from Wine Business Education is a web-based tool designed to empower small vineyards and wineries to make business decisions – from pruning to pricing to packaging to personnel – that positively impact their bottom line.
Thanks to a partnership between Wine Business Education and the Oregon Wine Board, the Profit Planner can be accessed free of charge by employees of Oregon wineries and vineyards (a $99/year value). If you don’t have an account, click here to request access and take advantage of this sponsorship.
Tutorials and Resources
The six Profit Planner workbooks follow the supply and value chain decisions that affect the financial success of making and selling wine, from the vineyard to the consumer point of sale. By using the complete suite of workbooks, producers can attain accurate forecasting and a complete financial snapshot of production, sales, marketing and distribution divisions of their wine business.

Vineyard P&L and Cash Flow Workbook
The Vineyard P&L and Cash Flow workbook provides an end to end view of costs that go into acquiring land, preparing land, planting a vineyard, management of a vineyard and harvesting grapes. It includes an ‘optimization matrix’ to easily ascertain the profitability of your vineyards with different yield and price-per-ton values. A 15-year view of profitability and cash flow, with allowances for cost adjustments, capital expenditures and other variables, will provide significant insight for planning and forecasting for development speculators, owners, investors and managers.
- PDF Tutorial (updated January 2020)
Related Resources
- Oregon Wine Symposium 2016 – Increasing Grape Value (video)
- Oregon Wine Symposium 2018 – Powdery Mildew Management (video)
- Oregon Wine Symposium 2018 – Managing High Vigor (video)

Winery Cost of Goods Workbook
The purpose of the Winery Cost of Goods workbook is to generate a detailed financial workup for the production costs that go into an individual wine. This workbook can be used for actual costs (often in conjunction with your accountant or bookkeeper) or to run forecasts to determine costs and profitability of new products.
- PDF Tutorial (updated January 2020)
Related Resources
- Oregon Wine Symposium 2019 – The Bottom Line – How Understanding COGS Can Increase Your Profitability (video)
- Oregon Wine Symposium 2017 – Creating a Sustainable Business (video)

Blending Profitability Workbook
The purpose of the Blending Profitability workbook is to guide users through the process of blending a wine using existing material (meaning wine, either in inventory or purchased in bulk, that is fermented but not yet bottled).
- PDF Tutorial (updated January 2020)

Wine Pricing Calculator Workbook
The Wine Pricing Calculator workbook is used to develop, or “build up,” wine pricing scenarios for your various sales channels: direct to consumer, direct to account, three-tier (distributors) and export. It allows you to input your wine volume, FOB pricing, shipping and logistics costs, taxes/duties, distribution markups and finally the pricing at the retail and restaurant level. This workbook can be used to optimize business profitability through more accurate forecasting and understanding your pricing across all channels.
- PDF Tutorial (updated January 2020)

Marketing and Sales Workbook
The purpose of the Marketing and Sales workbook is to give a comprehensive view of and help you manage your entire portfolio of wines, including their contribution to your total revenue and margin by corresponding sales channels. For example, if you offer multiple vintages and varieties at various production quantities and prices, selling through multiple sales channels, you are able to view potential outcomes for the entire range of wines you sell.
- PDF Tutorial (updated January 2020)

Tasting Room Profitability Workbook
The purpose of the Tasting Room Profitability workbook is to explore all of the various revenue opportunities and their associated costs to better realize the potential and optimize the profitability of your tasting room. Users can develop their primary P&L and then evaluate the impact on the bottom line of changing primary forecasting inputs, thereby creating benchmarks and setting goals for running a successful tasting room operation.
- PDF Tutorial (updated January 2020)
About the Oregon Wine Profit Planner
Launched in 2018, the original Oregon Wine Profit Planner was developed by the OWB education committee, led by OWB Education Manager Bree Stock MW, in partnership with Wine Business Education founder Tim Hanni MW. This is the first comprehensive tool of its kind to be designed by a regional board for the economic benefit of its producers.
With its relaunch in January 2020, the Profit Planner Workbooks from Wine Business Education offer even more comprehensive financial simulations. The OWB has partnered with Wine Business Education to continue to offer members of the Oregon wine and wine grape community access to these valuable tools free of charge.
The Profit Planner Workbooks from Wine Business Education are meant for simulation purposes only and authors assume no responsibility, liability or financial obligation for its use. Read the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.