Powdery Mildew Management
Come to this session to explore powdery mildew management for the 2018 growing season, fungicide resistance management, and cultural, registered synthetic and alternative product management tactics. Questions such as what producers can do now, when to start your program this season and how to manage your program for maximum efficacy will be addressed taking into consideration wine regions located on both east and west sides of the Cascades. Doctor of Plant Pathology Michelle Moyer of Washington State University will explain powdery mildew biology while Dr. Jay Pscheidt of Oregon State University will take an in-depth exploration into management details for the disease. Dr Andrew Landers of Cornell University and author of Farm Machinery Investment and Management Effective Vineyard Spraying, will discuss a multidisciplinary approach to pesticide application and provide tips for working with biologists to ensure engineering techniques are biologically effective.
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