Drive more tasting room sales this Thanksgiving! Remind your local customers to take Oregon wine with them if they’re flying Alaska Airlines. Did you [...]October 28, 2015 | Consumer Marketing, Oregon Wine Touring Guide
Ensure your business name, address and other details are accurate for the Oregon Wine Country Touring Guide and other OWB initiatives. As you have likely [...]October 26, 2015 | Announcements
Each year at the Oregon Wine Symposium industry leaders are presented awards for their contributions to the Oregon wine industry. Based on industry input OWB [...]October 26, 2015 | Scientific Research
Oregon wine has become a signature state product, earning international recognition and fueling the economy. Oregon’s emergence on the world stage as a [...]October 22, 2015 | Consumer Marketing, Oregon Wine Touring Guide
All tasting rooms to receive complimentary listing The Oregon Wine Board was among the first recipients of funding from Oregon’s Wine Country License [...]September 28, 2015 | OWB Funded Research, Scientific Research
The Oregon wine industry constantly works to achieve the highest quality possible, both in the vineyard and winery. However, there are few quantifiable [...]July 1, 2015 | Winery & Vineyard Report
Click here to view the preliminary prices per ton for grapes at the regional and state levels from the 2014 Oregon Vineyard and Wine Production Census. This [...]June 17, 2015 | Winery & Vineyard Report
First, thank you to all who completed the 2014 census form. We greatly appreciate the time and effort you put into it. Rikki Pritzlaff at the Southern Oregon [...]June 4, 2015 | Trade Marketing
Striking a balance between direct-to-consumer (DtC) and the three-tiered system is becoming increasingly important in Oregon wine country. The state’s [...]May 12, 2015 | Trade Marketing
The 2015 Oregon Governor’s Conference on Tourism took place Apr. 12-14 at the Eugene Hilton. The conference revolved around the growth of the U.S. tourism [...]May 1, 2015 | Trade Marketing
Oregon Wine Month is Happening Now. Let’s make it big! Do these three things now to make sure everyone knows that Oregon Wine Month kicks off today: [...]April 30, 2015 | Trade Marketing
It’s not too late to get involved in Oregon Wine Month. In fact, you can use the ideas below at any point in the month to be a part of the action and use [...]April 24, 2015 | Trade Marketing
Get ready to spread the word! You’ve got your distributor ready to go for Oregon Wine Month. Now, what about your winery? It’s not too late to get [...]April 2, 2015 | Trade Marketing
Whether you are self-distributed or working with a wholesaler to sell your wine in Oregon, you and your sales team will want to take full advantage of these [...]March 27, 2015 | Market & Industry Research, Trade Marketing
A series of in-depth, hour-long, confidential interviews were conducted among leading Portland restaurant wine directors and sommeliers by Lisa Prince, [...]March 16, 2015 | Trade Marketing
Oregon Wine Month is coming – are you ready? Spring is in the air, budbreak is upon us and that can only mean one thing: Oregon Wine Month is just around [...]October 30, 2012 | Uncategorized
We made Thanksgiving into an interactive wine tasting by pairing wines that were grown in the same area as the food Read the source article at [...]October 30, 2012 | Uncategorized
Those wishing to avoid the crowds — not to mention load up on delicious wine before Thanksgiving — can attend these harvest celebrations the week [...]