Christopher Waters, Wine and Spirits columnist with Canada’s The Globe and Mail newspaper, writes:
I’d like to invite members to share upcoming and existing releases for review. I’m interested in products that have continuous, existing or upcoming releases including VINTAGES or Classics products. Upcoming themes include alternate packaging, Italian whites and south of France. Ongoing interest in rosés, sparkling wines and value selections.
Best address is 38 Titmouse Court, Hamilton, ON, L9A 4Y9. Contact phone is 905.923.9665.
Grateful if technical information or sales sheets could be shared electronically via email instead of printed materials. Please supply pricing and availability details — great to know if the product is available in other provinces as well.
Our partners in Canada have confirmed that the writer is very interested in receiving Oregon wines as a part of his efforts. Please note, his focus is typically on less expensive wines, especially those that are widely available.
To qualify, the wines for the submission must be available through the liquor monopolies such as the LCBO and SAQ but from any region. They must be a current or upcoming release, available in the monopoly-run stores.
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