Oregon Wine Press invites Oregon winemakers to submit Pinot gris for Cellar Selects in its May 2024 issue. If you’d like to participate, the instructions are:
Please send ONE submission (TWO bottles) per brand. Brand means Producer Name. Please only send two Pinot gris if you have a second label with a different producer name.
1. Send TWO bottles of each submission.
2. Include retail price.
3. No price limit.
4. Wine must be received by 5 p.m., Tuesday, February 20.
Please send your submission(s) (by UPS or FedEx only) to or DROP off weekdays (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) at:
Oregon Lithoprint
Attn: Cellar Selects OWP
1315 N.E. Miller St.
McMinnville, OR 97128
Thank you for your continued participation.
Oregon Wine Press
Questions? Contact Michele Francisco at [email protected]