The International Wine Review seeks rosé of Pinot noir for its 2020 Annual Rosé Review. In the editor’s words:
“This year our focus on rosé tastings and report will be on rosé of Pinot noir. We’re more than willing to taste rosé from other varieties, but our focus will be on Pinot noir. And since Oregon is home to the country’s best Pinot noir producers, we would especially like to make sure we get samples from the state’s best rosé producers.”
To be included, submit samples of rosé, both still and sparkling, by May 15 to:
Donald Winkler, Co-Publisher
The International Wine Review
3137 Aberfoyle Pl. NW
Washington, DC, 20015
Phone: (202) 297 2424
Email: [email protected]
Please fill out this ROSE IWR 2020 Submission OR form and include technical information on each wine. Samples need to arrive no later than May 15, 2020, but please submit all samples as early as possible prior to the deadline.
In 2018 IWR published an in-depth, comprehensive report on The World of Rosé. Several Oregon still and sparkling rosés were identified as being among the best of the 250 wines reviewed in the report. If you would like a free copy of this report, please request one at [email protected].
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