Scammers may be falsifying grape invoices and offering Oregon wineries prompt payment discounts for expediting wire transfers. Be on the lookout for easily-overlooked transposed digits or letters in the name or address of the grower. Be cautious as well about sending electronic payments to a Chase Bank account you have never sent money to before. If in doubt, call your supplier before transferring funds.
October 10, 2023
Letter from Tom Danowski
Dear Friends,
Back in August, we invited growers and winery managers to answer one question:
“Please think about your experience with the OWB’s use of your tax dollars to sponsor education, marketing, PR/media relations, and research programs.
Overall, how would you rate your satisfaction with the Oregon Wine Board?”0 = Completely Dissatisfied 10 = Completely Satisfied
We heard from a few dozen respondents and some of their verbatim comments are included in the exhibit below colored to match the ratings they provided.
As you can see above, half of those answering the question rated their satisfaction an 8, 9, or 10 out of 10. I was hoping for more in that 8-10 segment.
One industry observation you’ll see above definitely got our attention: “I feel like we’ve often provided input and it has not been listened to.” Thank you to the person who expressed that.
We understand it. It’s not always possible to stretch OWB’s resources to fulfill every request, but we and our committee volunteers, make our best efforts. One resource in particular, OWB staff, has been at about the same level since I took this job 12 years ago. In that time the industry has nearly tripled in size.
To acknowledge those taxpaying growers and winemakers who feel the OWB is not listening as well as it could, we chartered an Industry Partnership Committee earlier this year. Made up of marketing and advocacy associations as well as OWB Directors and managers, the IPC meets monthly via Zoom to discuss trends, assess Oregon’s growth opportunities and allocate industry dollars for maximum impact.
While the Industry Partnership Committee includes staff from the Rogue, Willamette, and Umpqua Valley Winery associations, it will benefit in 2024 from voices representing more growers and more mid-sized or early-stage businesses in the nested AVAs. Click here to learn more about the Industry Partnership Committee and how you can apply to be a part of it.
Two other items in this edition of the Grapevine deserve a call-out:
Have a look further down in this letter for a richly detailed write-up by OWB Trade Relations Manager David DeWitt about the OWB’s continuing presence at the annual TEXSOM conference which has grown into the country’s most important education and networking event for on-premise wine professionals. Over the course of three days, wines from around the state were presented to about one thousand attendees and many wines were featured in a luncheon event dedicated to Oregon.
2023 TEXOM Oregon Medalist lineup
Also read about the OWB’s latest grant-funded photo shoot featuring vineyards from all across Oregon. Our Marketing Director Neil Ferguson worked with industry members to scout locations and Neil patiently negotiated usage permissions with photographers to deliver shots that will be available later this year at no charge to AVA associations and media. This is the biggest addition to our industry’s photo archive in at least a decade.
Spire Mountain (Umpqua Valley) / Photo credit: John Valls
P.S. The inflation-adjusted grape tax mentioned in the Sep. 12 Grapevine prompted some comments. That letter showed how the $25/ton tax established in 1983 is equal to $8.43 now. Put another way, $73.46 per ton would be required now to achieve the same purchasing power as $25 had in 1983.
P.P.S. Don’t forget now is the time to nominate your friends and colleagues for industry awards which will be presented at the next Oregon Wine Symposium Feb. 13-14, 2024 in Portland. Here is the award nomination form.
Tom Danowski
OWB Marketing
Oregon Wine Month 2024 Planning and Input Session I Oct. 27 at 10am
Industry members are invited to join OWB’s Trade Relations Manager David DeWitt and Director of Marketing Neil Ferguson for an Oregon Wine Month 2024 planning and input session. The agenda includes a detailed overview of the Oregon Wine Month 2024 budget allocation, a look at the editorial calendar and creative direction, and an opportunity to brainstorm and provide input on DtC, tourism, and trade strategy. If you are interested in attending, email [email protected].
OWB Wraps Statewide Photography Project
This month OWB is completing production work on its statewide photography project partially funded by Travel Oregon’s Wine Country License Plate (WCLP) grant program. The project portrays Oregon’s six wine “regions” with a mixture of landscape and winery photos, as well as communities and industry members. The result is a long overdue update to OWB’s image database that it uses for its website, communications, and social media. By the end of the year, OWB will launch a media library as part of its trade resource studio. This library will be available to wine industry associations, Oregon tourism groups, and each of the 1,058 wineries around the state, as well as members of the media. Questions and input can be directed to [email protected].
Looking Back at Oregon’s Participation in TEXSOM
OWB made its annual return to Irving, Texas, on Aug. 27 as a proud sponsor of the TEXSOM conference. Since 2005, this conference has been elevating professional wine standards, charting pathways for advanced beverage education and certification, and raising public awareness about the importance of sommelier credentials.
OWB hosted the Somm Volunteer luncheon, masterfully guided by our Director of Education, Bree Stock MW. This exclusive trade event offered a unique platform for educating over 100 On and Off-Premises buyers from across the nation, alongside a gathering of media and education professionals. The session showcased 10 exceptional wines, each a testament to the diverse styles and terroirs found throughout Oregon. Impressively, 8 of the featured wines earned medals at the prestigious 2023 TEXSOM International Awards.
This year 74 medals were awarded to Oregon with solid representation from all regions and numerous varieties. Over 2,500 wines were entered from around the world. Oregon Chardonnay took home 15 medals including the top-scoring “Judges Selection”. Pinot noir was the leading varietal medalist with 40. Please contact [email protected] with questions including participation in next year’s event.
Oregon Wine Touring Guide Digital Edition: Update Your Winery Listing by Oct. 16
While you can update your tasting room information on the OWB consumer website at any time, Oct. 16 is the deadline for your changes to be captured in the 2023-24 Oregon Wine Touring Guide digital update. Please visit the Tasting Room Listings login page now to ensure that the information on record is accurate. If you do not yet have a listing on the OWB consumer website, this is a perfect time to create one. For more information, visit our Tasting Room Listing Toolkit.
Wine Industry Insights
The Good News Network Highlights Oregon Refillable Wine Bottle Service Startup
A U.S./Dutch resident of Oregon is launching a startup to allow wine drinkers to bring bottles back to wineries for a refill. Revino plans to collect, wash, and sanitize wine bottles before returning them to wineries to be refilled. Read more.
SevenFifty Daily‘s Career & Salary Survey
The events of the last four years—including supply chain issues, energized movements toward racial and social justice, and the rise of a generation driven by purpose rather than profit—have not only impacted consumer behavior; they have had a profound and lasting effect on those working in the drinks industry. These shifts are reflected in the results of Provi and SevenFifty Daily’s 2023 Beverage Industry Career & Salary Survey. Read more.
Early Bird Registration Opens for 2024 Oregon Wine Symposium
The Oregon Wine Growers Association (OWA) and the Oregon Wine Board (OWB) are proud to announce that registration has opened for the largest in-person wine industry trade show and education seminar in the Northwest. On Feb. 13 and 14, the Oregon Wine Symposium will unite experts from the scientific and wine business communities to share the latest learnings, best practices, and industry expertise in a new condensed day-and-a-half format. Register at the Early Bird rate.
USDA Grapevine Crop Insurance Program Fact Sheet
Grapevines are insurable in specific counties in California, Idaho, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington. Learn more.
Press and Media
Press Highlights
MSN Reports on Decanter’s 2023 U.S. Top 50 list
Decanter’s list of the top 50 wines in the world surprisingly includes only one from the United States. The competition evaluated 18,250 wines from 57 countries awarding wines from 15 countries, with Australia garnering 10 nods and the U.S. one from Oregon’s Dundee Hills: Archery Summit. Read more.
KOIN Covers Oregon Wine Industry’s Healthy Growth and Increased Prestige
The overall findings of the OWB’s annual Oregon Vineyard and Winery Report are that the state’s wine industry is healthy, growing, and destined for increased international recognition. Read more.
Food & Wine asks: Can the Willamette Valley Become the Ultimate Wine Country Destination?
In her article, Oset Babür-Winter asks if and how the Willamette Valley will manage the complicated balance between defending the value of farmland whilst developing tourism. Read more.
Oregon Wine Industry Report Shows Outstanding Quality, Record Production, and Strong Demand
The results of the new Oregon Vineyard and Winery Report were released by the OWB and the data provided by wineries and vineyards for 2022 reveal the industry’s healthy growth from crop volume to international recognition and trust in the future with new plantings. Read more.
Organized by the Beverage Trade Network, the 2024 London Wine Competition is accepting registrations for submission until Feb. 22, 2024. Learn more.
Viticulture & Enology
October 2023 Weather and Climate Forecast
Dr. Greg Jones recently published an updated weather and climate summary and forecast. This report looks back at September conditions and forecasts conditions for October, November, and December.
Northwest Center for Small Fruits Research (NCSFR) Updates
The 2022 Viticulture and Wine Processing NCSFR priorities are in need of input on what is important for the wine grape industry. Send comments to [email protected] by Nov. 1.
NSCFR has opened registration for their 2023 Conference on Nov.13-15 in Corvallis at the Alumni Center. Conference tickets and special room rates at the Hilton Garden Inn are available now. Scholarships are available, eligible attendees can apply here.
Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) Seeks Relevance Reviewers
USDA-NIFA is recruiting industry representatives (growers, packers, shippers, staff from commissions and trade associations, etc.) to volunteer to review the industry relevance of pre-applications for the Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) for 2024. Relevance reviewers ensure that SCRI projects address critical needs for the grape and wine industry. The time commitment is about 15 – 20 hours total, spread over two months (Jan. Feb.) to review and score pre-applications and to participate in the final 1.5-hour grape panel Zoom meeting the week of Feb. 26, 2024. Learn more.
Industry Research
Participate in the 2022 Oregon Wine Industry Economic Impact Study | Deadline Oct. 13
Every three years, the OWB commissions an Oregon Wine Economic Impact Study to examine the impact of our industry on Oregon’s economy. This study, managed by Economic Forensics and Analytics, Inc. in partnership with Full Glass Research, includes data from a survey that asks questions about 2022 revenues, employment levels, and costs. A PDF version of the questionnaire can be found here.
The information provided is kept confidential and secure and the findings are essential to support the development of our industry in many ways including:
Making the case for state and federal grants to advance individual, regional, or statewide marketing and research initiatives
Communicating with local and federal lawmakers about the needs of the industry
Portraying our industry accurately to journalists
Building understanding between wine businesses and county administrators
This is your last chance to contribute, the survey should take 10-15 minutes to complete.
Thank you in advance for supporting your industry in this way.
FOODEX is Asia’s largest and most respected international food and beverage trade show with over 73,000 attendees in 2023. Buyers from Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Southeast Asia will be attending. WUSATA is offering an exhibition package that includes: a booth, interpreter services, and on-site assistance. The early bird registration fee ends Oct.16 and standard registration is available until Nov. 17. If you have any questions, please contact Theresa Yoshioka, ([email protected]) and Margaret Bray ([email protected]).
View OWB Calendar of International Programming, Register to Participate
OWB’s calendar of international events for the 2023-2024 fiscal year is now available and registration is open for all events. The calendar with registration links is available here.
Other Opportunities
Make a Nomination for ’24 Oregon Wine Industry Awards | Nov. 17
Nominations for the 2024 Oregon Wine Industry Awards are being accepted until Nov. 17. The awards recognize contributions to the industry in the categories of Lifetime Achievement, Founder, Outstanding Industry Leadership, Vineyard Excellence, and Industry Partner.
Other News
7th Annual USA Trade Tasting in Chicago | Oct. 17-18
The two-day event will focus on TED-style actionable sessions that will include 26 speakers. The conference will shine the spotlight on importers, distributors, retailers, and restaurateurs. Learn more.
Two days, two events, one purpose. Join ¡Salud! n Willamette Valley wine country and Portland with two new venues showcasing Pinot Noir producers alongside incredible food. From the Big Board Auction’s fun and electric energy to the Grand Dinner & Live Auction Gala’s elegant evening attire and fast-flying auction, this is one weekend you do not want to miss! Learn more.
Register for the National Biodynamic Conference | Nov. 8-12
The largest biodynamic gathering in the US brings together farmers, gardeners, educators, students, activists, entrepreneurs, and others interested in biodynamics from across the United States — and beyond. Anyone from beginners to long-time Biodynamic practitioners can learn in a variety of ways, including on-farm field days, intensive pre-conference workshops, inspiring keynote presentations, and breakout workshops. Special events provide many opportunities for connection, conversation, and celebration. Register here.
Register for Sustainable Ag Expo | Nov. 14-15
With 14 seminars and over 10 hours of online courses, the Sustainable Ag Expo brings together researchers and growers to provide continuing education hours all while offering networking opportunities. Brought to you by Vineyard Team, this multi-day seminar and tradeshow provides an opportunity for farmers, ag professionals, and pest control advisors to learn about the latest in farming research, resource issues, and business trends related to sustainable agriculture. Find out more and register here.