Oregon wine is synonymous with quality. But you don’t have to take our word for it. Just look at the outsized acclaim Oregon garners in Wine Spectator year after year: 20% of 90+ scores on domestic bottlings, despite producing just over 1% of the country’s wine. This is a testament to the caliber of wine – and winemakers – from our state.
As our industry evolves, it’s critical that all winemakers be equipped with the tools and know-how to keep Oregon’s collective bar raised high. If you’re a new winemaker, or if you’re an experienced winemaker facing some new challenges, the Enology track at the 2019 Oregon Wine Symposium aims to arm you with the latest research and methods for supporting your already elevated quality standards, even under tricky conditions.
The Enology track kicks off with a topic on the minds of many in our industry: Exploring and Understanding Wildfire Impacts on Winemaking and Wine. This session, which includes a tasting, features Dr. Thomas Collins of Washington State University, who will unveil his latest research pertaining to smoke taint caused by our region’s native species on our key grape varieties. He will be joined by Southern Oregon winemakers Vince Vidrine (Irvine Roberts) and Nichole Schulte (Quady North / Barrel 42 Custom Winecraft), as well as Jasha Karasek of Enartis.
Two sessions in this track are dedicated to managing two common challenges in the winemaking process. Oxygen Management in Your Cellar for Wine Quality and Health presents research and techniques for preventing premature oxidation and aging, while Managing Microbes from Crush to Bottle explores how to avoid microbial spoilage at various control points along the winemaking process and features a tasting component.
Finally, because so many of Oregon’s winemakers often moonlight as sales reps, the Enology track includes Three Tiers for Fears: Get Out of the Cellar and Be a Seller. Join winemakers Andrew Bandy-Smith (Antiquum Farm) and Ken Pahlow (Walter Scott) as they discuss the ins and outs of successful sales techniques for winemakers with sommelier Stacey Gibson and distributor sales director Merritt Olson.
If you’re a winemaker with a focus on quality – especially one who “does it all” – the 2019 Oregon Wine Symposium Enology track is designed especially with you in mind.
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