View this email in your browser NEWS FOR MAY 8, 2018 Marketing Education Research Calls for Wine Opportunities Other News Quick Links Upcoming Events [...]May 8, 2017 | Announcements, Consumer Marketing
Dr. Michael C. Qian, of the Department of Food Science and Technology, Oregon State University and Oregon Wine Research Institute, has prepared an update on [...]May 5, 2017 | Announcements, Education, Trade Marketing
Explore new information and download updated materials The Oregon Wine Board is committed to maintaining the Oregon Wine Resource Studio to be the most [...]May 5, 2017 | Calls for Wine
Beverage Dynamics is the largest national magazine dedicated to the needs of the off-premise beverage alcohol retailer. An upcoming issue will focus on [...]May 5, 2017 | Calls for Wine
The largest and most influential international wine competition in America, the San Francisco International Wine Competition (SFIWC) has been setting the [...]May 5, 2017 | Calls for Wine
The Botanical Research Institute of Texas announces that its 2018 sustainable winegrowing competition begins May 1. Competition applications can be downloaded [...]May 1, 2017 | Consumer Marketing, Oregon Wine Month, Trade Marketing
Happy Oregon Wine Month! Let’s make it big. Do these three things now so everyone knows that May is Oregon Wine Month: Change your social media header [...]April 24, 2017 | Consumer Marketing, Oregon Wine Month
The OWB is once again partnering with radio host Brian Bushlach of Sip Northwest Live during Oregon Wine Month 2017 to showcase the personalities and qualities [...]April 21, 2017 | Calls for Wine
Posted by: Bree Boskov MW, OWB Education Manager Having been in Oregon for merely a week, I just yesterday learned of the Oregon Wine Competition, taking place [...]April 21, 2017 | Calls for Wine
Lisa Perrotti-Brown is planning her review of Oregon wines in June 2017. If you would like to submit your wines for this tasting, please follow the [...]April 20, 2017 | International Marketing, Trade Marketing
An update on the OWB’s international marketing efforts was published last week. The newsletter included information on international events that have [...]