Our friends at WVWA have kindly shared the following from Michael Alberty, Oregon reviewer for Wine Enthusiast. This is important because not only is this a critical review for your wines for the May issue, but also because all wines are considered for the end of year top 100 in Wine Enthusiast. Also timing is great in that he’s not backlogged with wine samples. Here is what Alberty wrote:
Please submit samples for review in Wine Enthusiast Magazine. I’m looking for red, white, pink, sweet and sparkling wines, just as long as they are current releases, or they are about to be released.
This is a great time to submit samples, as I am not backlogged. Any wine I enter before the end of the day on Feb. 6 will be eligible for inclusion in the May issue. This means I’d like to receive samples by Jan. 31 at the latest.
To get the necessary information and submission form, head to our submission page here:
Then click the “Wine Submission” form button. The form includes the shipping information for my location at Portland Wine Storage.
If anyone has any questions, email me at either of these addresses:
Michael Alberty