Demystifying Nutrient Management: Putting Numbers to Your Vineyard Nutrition Plan
Putting numbers to your nutrient management plan is key to optimizing the efficacy of your vineyard management efforts. In this session, you will hear about new research that supports better methods for collecting vine tissue samples, learn how to interpret the numbers from lab analyses, and find out more about tools to help you tailor nutrient management techniques for your unique vineyard soils and conditions.
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Speaker Bios
Russell Moss is a lecturer in viticulture at Cornell University. Prior to joining Cornell, he served the Willamette Valley as the vineyard management instructor at Chemeketa Community College and represented Sunridge Nursery. Russell was also the viticulturist for Domaine Serene/Chateau de la Crée. He received two master’s degrees concurrently from Virginia Tech: one in viticulture and the other in enology. His master’s work focused on nitrogen management in cover-cropped vineyards in Virginia and the impact of various N management strategies on vine physiology and juice/wine quality. Prior to grad school, Russell managed vineyards in Central Otago, New Zealand and received his bachelor’s degree in viticulture and oenology from Lincoln University. His technical work on grapes and wine has been published in New Zealand, Australia, the United States and South Africa. Russell’s connection to Oregon remains strong with his folks being Umpquats hailing from Roseburg, but who currently reside in Florence, Oregon. Russell continues to maintain a residence in Salem, Oregon.
As a viticulturist, Erica Miller oversees production and quality standards for Stoller Wine Group, which includes 250+ acres and more than 150,000 cases across multiple wine labels. Erica has a B.S. in horticulture with an emphasis in viticulture and enology from Oregon State University. Erica worked under Dr. Patty Skinkis, viticulture extension specialist at OSU, as a research assistant for two years, during which she was involved with various research projects, including Pinot noir fruitfulness studies, Pinot noir and Chardonnay crop estimate studies and the Statewide Crop Load Trial. After learning details of vine physiology and viticulture through research, she began vineyard management work for three and a half years before becoming a viticulturist at Stoller Wine Group. Erica is an active member in the Willamette Valley Viticulture Technical Group, the LIVE Technical Group and other industry groups.
Dr. Paul Schreiner is a research plant physiologist at the USDA-ARS Horticultural Crops Research Laboratory in Corvallis and conducts research on root and nutrient physiology of grapevines, including the role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). Current research goals are to: 1) characterize nutrient requirements of grapevines based on physiological performance and fruit and wine quality attributes; 2) understand how management practices influence root and AMF development, diversity of AMF in roots, and vine performance; and 3) understand how other soil organisms alter root and AMF functions in vineyards. Paul received a B.S. in biochemistry in 1985 and a Ph.D. in plant physiology in 1992, both from Penn State University. Paul has worked on mycorrhizal fungi since 1988 and on grapevine physiology since 1999. He has published 50+ peer-reviewed research papers, and 40+ other publications.
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