2014 was a record year for the Oregon wine industry.
- The number of vineyard operations increased by 8% to 1, 027 leading to a 14% increase in planted acreage from 2013.
- Vineyard production was up an average of 39% with the majority of the increase coming from higher yields (~60%).
- Pinot Noir leads all varieties accounting for 63% of harvested acreage and58% of vineyard production.
- The number of “all” wineries, including TTB–bonded and OLCC Grower Sales Privilege and Winery license hold ers, increased from 605 to 676.
- Total tons of grapes crushed increased 33% from 52,589 tons to 70,112 tons with Pinot Noir accounting for 58%.
- Case sales for 2014 increased 7% overall from 2014 with wine club and website/phone orders increasing at 12% each.
- Oregon and national sales grew by 12% and 5% respectively, while international sales grew by 50%.
- Total sales increased 14% to $430 million in 2014.
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