Oregon Wine Board 2024-25 Budget Planning Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Check here if you prefer your input form to remain confidential1) Are you submitting this as:a grapegrowera winery & vineyard owner/manageran industry member2) In which region does your business primarily operate:Rogue ValleyUmpqua ValleyS. Willamette ValleyN. Willamette Valleya state border AVA or other region3) Tell us the functional area your suggestion or idea for the Wine Board most closely relates to: (check all that apply)EducationCommunications and Media RelationsScientific ResearchMarketingOther4) If this is Marketing or Communications input, which of the industry’s strategic focus areas does it support? (check all that apply)Brand EquityTourismMarket ExpansionInsights & Integration5) If this is input for the Viticultural & Enology Research Committee, which strategic focus area does it support? (check all that apply)Wine QualitySustainable ProductionChanging ClimateFoundational Research6) Describe in a couple sentences the suggestion or request you’d like considered during the 2025-26 budget planning cycle.7) Briefly summarize how the idea or suggestion supports the statewide industry constituency OWB is accountable to?Name *FirstLastEmail *Industry Organization, if any:MessageSubmit