Your Oregon Wine brand built to spark the imagination and move the heart.
Oregon Wine is sourced from the power and the purpose of the place.
It is a privilege and pleasure to define, protect, and promote the 60 years of reputation equity you have built. We invite you to discover your new Oregon Wine brand.


Unique push and pull, from flowing corners to hard 90 degree angles—representing the blend between the art and science of winemaking.
Pour flowing from the “g” to “e,” moving as wine is poured—hitting the bottom of the glass and gently up onto the sides.

Lower case “i” used to separate “or” from the rest of the state name—showcasing the state’s abbreviation and giving further substance to a recognizable brand element that can be utilized individually in future campaigns.
Color Variations

“Oregon wine tells the story of great risk, enormous reward, and every heartbreak along the way.”
– Oregon wine industry survey response.
There are the stories of Oregon you know. That picture in your head when you hear the word “Pacific” and think not sun but rain, Doug firs dripping in dappled light—steamy cafes, fly fishing for salmon, and piney IPAs.
Then there are the stories of Oregon you don’t know yet. The ones you discover in the vast expanse of Oregon wine country. A place of astonishing range, from coastal mountains to valley slopes to river gorges and high deserts.

True Character

Character in the people who make it. Character in the people who drink it.
Type System

Rugged grace. Open invitations. And the determination that anything is possible given enough time and effort and patience.
Brand System

Secondary Mark
Celebrating our regions.
Regional character is essential to the Oregon Wine experience, so it had to be essential to the Oregon Wine brand. We have built a suite of verbal and visual tools for the Rogue, Umpqua, Willamette, and Walla Walla Valleys, as well as Portland and the Columbia Gorge. These regions all receive a tagline, a headline, and three descriptive pillars for place, power, and purpose. This language was based on regional input and collaboration to ensure the end result projected an authenticity for each place that is specific enough to be meaningful, but malleable enough to evolve over time.
Regional System

Call to action
Let’s show the world what it means to grow an Oregon grape for an Oregon wine.
Oregon Wine A manifesto of place, power, and purpose
Some places channel your energies. They direct your hands. They focus your intentions. Some places cultivate purpose, inspire the spirit, and move the heart.
But of all the places, no place is like this place: the coastal ranges, high deserts, and wide valleys of Oregon. A place of rugged grace. Open invitations. And the determination that anything’s possible given enough time and effort and patience.
At first, our friends didn’t see what we saw. Some said we were brave. Most just called us naive. But they didn’t see it: the promise of the Gorge and the valleys of the Willamette, Umpqua, Rogue, and Walla Walla. These landscapes forged by floods and glaciers, cultivated for centuries by caretakers here before us. Beyond the land, we had each other and a vision of what we could do together.
Today, our sense of community and possibility glows even brighter. Tapping the soil. Listening to the vines. Producing vintages of remarkable balance and depth. Today, as we remain humbled by the lessons of every harvest and inspired by the promise of every spring, we still find no better compliment than, “You’ve got to try this.”
Oregon wine is sourced from the power and the purpose of the place. Risk, resilience, and reward. Expressions you’ll discover with every visit and every glass, tracing the adventure and character back to the people who make it.
Oregon Wine. Choose True Character.
Oregon Wine Brand Toolkit | Contact Us [email protected]